Friday 1 February 2013

Golden Moments

It seems the right time to publish a pictorial feature, so I've selected a dozen images of a particularly enjoyable activity inspired by one of my favourite artists, Andy Goldsworthy. From viewing many of his images of completed works and documentary footage of him bringing a piece to fruition, it is difficult not to have extraordinary admiration for a man so clearly able to immerse himself in a time and place; so in touch with the elements, materials and forms he finds; so embracing of the ephemeral, that he can bring all of these together so beautifully in his creative endeavours.

My own efforts are clearly derivative and not nearly so graceful but I thank him sincerely for the inspiration to spend many happy hours of physical, mental and emotional occupation, engrossed in crafting transient treasures for others to perhaps discover and enjoy. The following are simply titled with the various locations in New South Wales, Australia where they were assembled and photographed. I hope you enjoy them also. 








Palm Beach

Palm Beach

Palm Beach

Palm Beach
